Apple bonsai tree

Apple bonsai tree is a simple and elegant plant. Its leaves are small and in spring has white and fragrant blooms. In addiction, this plant, produces a good and colorful fruit. It is easy to grow and is suitable for the creation of a bonsai fruit tree.
Apple bonsai tree – more informations
Placement and temperatures: the plant needs a lot of sunlight and air. It does not prefer very hot temperatures, therefore, do not put him in front of a wall that warms up during the day. In winter it is advisable to protect the plant from strong frosts and low temperatures.
Soil and watering: does not prefer water and acidic soil. The plant needs a lot of water during the growing season and especially when it blooms or produces fruits. In winter the substrate must be kept constantly humid.
Liquid fertilizers for apple bonsai tree
For best results it is essential to follow a good fertilization strategy. During the cold seasons, it is preferable to apply Pro-Care NPK 3.6.9. This fertilizer with a lower concentration of nitrogen, is ideal to promote secondary branching, reducing the elongation of the internodes favoring an excessive aerial development of the plant. In a spring time to favor the vegetative restart it is advisable to use the fertilizer Pro Care NPK 12.6.6. Alternatively, Doctor Bioges recommends Pro-Care NPK 4.8.16 to promotes beautiful flowering and futtifications.
Slow-Release fertilizer- Discover Mythos 5.6.5.
Mythos is a slow release organic fertilizer suitable for fertilization and refinement of bonsai trees. This fertilizer pellet can easily meet the nutritional needs of deciduous trees, woody plants, conifers and all types of flowering and fruit trees. Finally, Mythos contains Ryzea, a pool of bioactive seaweed molecules and rhizobacteria of the genus Bacillus (PGPR) which improve the chemical structure of the soil.
Why to use bio-activators in gardening?
Bio-Activators are a valuable aid in gardening. These product, in fact, increase tolerance to various environmental stresses including : salinity, drought and extreme temperatures. In addiction, the regolar use of bioactivators, can reduces the amount of fertilizer to be supplied to the plants, and improves the absorption of nutrients. The effects, therefore, are visible from the first treatment. Beautiful and strong plants in a few days.
Yellow leaves no problem! Discover Ferro-UP
It is very important to apply micronutrients to the soil, to avoid plant nutrient deficiencies. When the leaves change color from green to yellow, probably the plant has an iron chlorosis. It is inecessary to treat it with Ferro-UP made with iron chelate. This iron supplement, is perfect to correct iron shortages and to remedy ferric chlorosis for a large variety of plants and lawn turfs. For best result, it is advisable to mix Ferro-UP with Bio Complet Plus or mineral fertilizer. It is necessary to halve the doses indicated on the label and apply only in fertigation. Repeat the treatment every 10 days for about a month.
Apple bonsai tree care
Like all bonsai fruit trees, it can be attacked by pests, insects and fungal diseases. However, if the plants are treated well, the risk of infection is very low. We advise the use of natural products that are not phytosanitary. These products are able to avoid nutritional deficiencies, development of fungal and bacterial diseases, attacks of parasites. Discover our products !
Apple bonsai tree – propagation by seed and cutting
Apple bonsai tree can be propagated by seed and cutting. Particularly for propagation by seed, Doctor Bioges advises the use of bonsai starter kit. This kit contains everything you need to grow a bonsai tree from seed. In the case of propagation by cutting, Doctor Bioges recommends the use of Radikal Sprinter. This root booster is contains zinc and is rich in organic substance. Finally, it is able to stimulate the formation of new roots of the plant.
Pruning an apple tree bonsai
Regular pruning is necessary to retain the bonsai’s shape. Particularly, the maintenance pruning in springtime, before of the formation of new leaves. It adivise the use a sterile pair of scissors for bonsai tree. After pruning apply propolis to avoid fungal diseases.
Repot apple bonsai tree
It is preferable to repot the apple bonsai tree in early spring, when the buds are about to open. After repotting, apply a root stimulator. Particulary, Doctor Bioges recommends to use Radikal Sprinter made with amino acids and vitamins (such as tryptophan). The root supplement, in fact, prolongs the vitality of the root system. In addiction, it can be mixed with mycorrhizae, such as Neo-ryza and Mico-Green. Finally, it will be resistant to various forms of stress. Its effects, therefore, are visible from the first treatment.