Pomegranate bonsai tree

pomegranate bonsai care


Pomegranate bonsai is very appreciated for its enchanting blooms, and for its ease cultivation. The pomegranate is a plant belonging to the Punicacee family suitable for the creation of a fruit bonsai.

Exposure and temperatures: during spring, keep the pomegranate bonsai in full sun to promote flowering and development of a compact and uniform vegetation. In summer, however, you may protect the roots from the daily high temperatures, avoiding their overheating. In autumn you can safely expose it to the sun to improve the colour and flavour of the fruits. Finally, in winter you can keep pomegranate bonsai outdoor protecting its roots because of their sensitivity to frosts and low temperatures.

Soil: not acid but highly draining. Choose an universal soil mixed with sand and porous clay such as akadama.

Irrigation: irrigate abundantly when the soil is dry. You may avoid water stagnation that can cause damage to roots.