Bonsai tree grow kit


Bonsai tree grow kit includes 3 products:

  • Bio-Slow made of a mixture of organic fertilizers and suitable for all bonsai trees types.
  • Bio Complet Plus made with humic and fulvic acids, increases the performance of fertilizers
  • Giovis PK 30-20 contains high contents of  phosporus and potassium, elements  very important for plant development
  • The bonsai tree grow  kit contains the Doctor Bioges’s fertiliser plan, ideal for beginners and experts.



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Bonsai tree grow kit – bonsai fertilizers for beginners and experts

Bonsai tree grow kit is the key to beauty for your bonsai. The fertilization, in fact, is important to ensure all nutrients for plants which grow in a limited portion of soil (for example potted plants). The kit contains 3 types of fertilizers, and meets all nutrition needs in all stages of bonsai development. This kit is extremely easy to use. In fact, inside the kit you will find the Doctor Bioges’s fertiliser plan. In this way you will learn how to grow a bonsai tree and you never make mistakes again. The fertiliser plan is ideal for deciduous and coniferous bonsai tree. It includes the dosages and method of use. For best results, follow the steps given on the plan.

How to grow a bonsai tree – Discover Bio-Slow 

Bio-Slow is an organic fertilizer suitable for all bonsai trees types. It is made of a mixture of organic fertilizers, with nitrogen in organic form and humic and fulvic acids. Bio-Slow is a pellet fertilizer which gradually releases all the nutrients into the soil, indispensable during the growing season. Particularly, it is rich in natural substances such as alginates, mannitol, free amino acids, vitamins and folic acid. These elements, moreover, promote the enzymatic processes, very important, for plant development. Bio-slow contains Ryzea an exclusive production technology made with seaweed molecules biologically active. These molecules have chelating properties, then, improve the absorption of nutrients. The fertilizer does not damage the roots of plants. Finally, the periodic use of Bio-Slow, therefore, not only makes the plant robust but also favors the development of small leaves and short internodes.

Slow release fertilizer – how to apply Bio-Slow bonsai fertilizer ?

Bio-Slow is ideal for fertilization of all bonsai trees.  For a potted plants of 50 centimeters in diameter, distribute 45 gr of pellets on the soil surface and then irrigate. It is advised to reduce the doses for those potted plants with a diameter below 50 centimeters. It is really important to keep the soil moist during plant fertilisation. Bio-Slow is preferable to apply once a month and only if the fertilizer is completely dissolved. Alternatively, Bio-Slow can also be dissolved in water. Dissolve 20 gr of Bio-Slow 3.6.9. in one litre of water. Apply this fertilizing solution only in fertigation and every 2 weeks.

Other Bio-Slow applications

Bio-Slow can be mixed with soil conditioner as Bio Complet Plus. In case of mixing of the two or three products, it is necessary to halve the doses. Particularly, it is necessary to dissolve 20 gr of Bio-Slow  in one litre of water. Then add up 3 ml of Bio Complet Plus in this fertilizing solutions and apply in fertigation every 10 days.

How to take care of a bonsai tree ? Discover Bio-Complet Plus and Giovis PK 30/20

The bonsai tree grow kit  includes Giovis PK 30/20 and Bio-Complet Plus. They are 2 bio-activators very important for the care and fertilization of bonsai trees. Particularly Giovis PK 30/20 is a bioactivator which contains high contents of  phosporus and potassiumThese elements, promote processes very important for plant development. Especially, they favour  lignification in autumn, and flowering during the spring period. In addiction, they promote the synthesis of phytoalexins and phenols. Particularly the phytoalexins and phenols, activate the natural endogenous defenses of the plant in case of attack by pathogens and other stress. Finally,  its regular use favors the growth of strong and healthy plants.

How to use Giovis PK 30/20?

Giovis PK 30/20 is suitable for both foliar application and fertigation. During cold season it is preferable the foliar application to stimulate the lignification. In order to stimulate the blooming flowers in the next spring, apply the bio-activator in fertigation. Add up to 5ml/litre of Giovis PK 30/20 to the feed water and mix well. Fertilize your plants every 7/10 days. In case of mixing with Bio-Slow follow the advices of fertilizer plan. Particularly, it is necessary to dissolve 20 gr of Bio-Slow  in one litre of water. Then add up 3 ml of Giovis PK 30/20 in this fertilizing solutions and apply only in fertigation every 10 days.

Soil conditioner made with humic and fulvic acids – Discover Bio Complet Plus

Bio Complet Plus is a liquid soil conditioner made with humic and fulvic acids from leonardite of Nord Dakota. It is s a bioactivator  which  provides a boost of energy to the plant and and increases the performance of fertilizers. The humic acids, help bonsai tree to quickly absorb the nutrients present in the soil. The fulvic acids, however, stimulate the microbiological activity of the soil. In addiction, humic and fulvic acids are also able to stabilize the pH of the soil, and increase water retention. Finally, its regular use favors the growth of strong and beautiful bonsai tree.

Humic acids in bonsai fertilization – How to use Bio Complet Plus?

Bio Complet Plus is only suitable for fertigation. Dilute 5-6 ml / liter of liquid soil conditioner your feed water and mix well. Fertilize your plants every 7/10 days. In case of mixing with Bio-Slow or micronutrients for plants follow the advices of fertilizer plan. Particularly, it is necessary to dissolve 20 gr of Bio-Slow. in one litre of water. Then add up 3 ml of Bio Complet Plus or 5 gr of micronutrients in this fertilizing solutions and apply in fertigation every 10 days. In addiction Bio Complet Plus can be mixed with

Formulation: Bio-Slow in pellets – Bio Complet Plus and Giovis PK 30-20 soluble liquid

pH: Bio-Slow ca.6,0 – Bio Complet Plus ca. 8,0 – Giovis PK 30-20 ca. 5,0

Packaging: Bio-Slow can 0.25KG – Bio Complet Plus and Giovis PK 30-20 bottle of 0.25L

Conductivity: Bio-Slow ca. 5,0 ds/m – Bio Complet Plus ca.20,0 ds/m – Giovis PK 30-20 ca. 30,0 ds/m

Weight N/A

Total nitrogen (N) 5,0%
Organic Nitrogen (N) 5,0%
Total phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) 5,0%
Total Calcium Oxide (CaO) 12,0%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water ** 2,0%
Total Magnesium Oxide (MgO) ** 0,6%
Total Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) 14,0%
Total boron (B) 0,10%
Total iron (Fe) 0,60%
Total Manganese (Mn) 0,10%
Total zinc (Zn) 0,10%
Organic Carbon (C) of biological origin 15,0%
Organic matter 30,0%

** Data not shown on the label

Bio Complet Plus:
Total nitrogen (N) 5,00%
Organic Nitrogen (N) 5,00%
Organic Carbon (C) of biological origin 20,00%
Organic matter 40,00%

Giovis PK 30-20:
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in water 30,0%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water 20,0%

Doses and Methods

Bio-Slow: for a potted plants of 50 centimeters in diameter, distribute 45 gr of pellets on the soil surface and then irrigate. It is advised to reduce the doses for those potted plants with a diameter below 50 centimeters. Fertilize your plants every from autumn to summer. It is preferable to apply once a month and only if the fertilizer is completely dissolved. In case of mixing with Giovis PK 30/20 or Bio Complet Plus follow the instructions indicated on the plan: particularly, it is necessary to dissolve 20 gr of Bio-Slow in one litre of water. Then add up 3 ml of Giovis PK 30/20 or Bio Complet Plus in this fertilizing solutions and apply in fertigation every 10 days.

Bio Complet Plus: dilute 5-6 ml/litre and apply in fertigation. Repeat applications every 7/10 days. In case of mixing with Bio-Slow 3.6.9. fertilizing solution, it is recommended to respect the doses reported on the fertilizer plan.

-Giovis PK 30/20: dilute max 2-4 ml of the product in 1 litre of water. During cold season it is preferable the foliar application to stimulate the lignification. In order to stimulate the blooming flowers in the next spring, apply the bio-activator in fertigation. Add up to 3ml/litre of Giovis PK 30/20 to the feed water and mix well. Fertilize your plants every 7/10 days. In case of mixing with Bio-Slow follow the advices of fertilizer plan. Particularly, it is necessary to dissolve 20 gr of Bio-Slow one litre of water. Then add up 3 ml of Giovis PK 30/20 in this fertilizing solutions and apply in fertigation every 10 days.


Read the back label carefully, or consult the specific pages for each product of the Special Bonsai Line.



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