Orchis-Idea 18.18.18. fertilizer for orchids



  • Fertilizer for orchids for a perfect balanced nutrition of all orchid plants
  • Promotes beautiful and long lasting blooms
  • Quick absorption by the root system of plants
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Orchis-Idea 18.18.18. balanced fertilizer orchids

Orchis-Idea 18.18.18. is a fertilizer for orchids  which provides a complete nutrition in all stages of growth. It is suitable for all types of orchids. This water soluble fertilizer is quickly absorbed by the root system of plants.  It is the essential key to the harmonious development of orchid plants. Orchis-Idea 18.18.18. makes the plants resistant to various forms of stress. Its effects, therefore, are visible from the first treatment. Finally, this soluble fertilizer, ensures beautiful and strong orchid plants in a few days.

How to apply Orchis-Idea 18.18.18?

Doctor Bioges recommends to apply orchis-idea 18.18.18. from mid-spring to autumn.  Dissolve 3-5 gr of product in 1 liter of water. Then apply in fertigation or take a bath at the roots of the plant. This soluble fertilizer is compatible with other product of Bioges Line. For best results, is preferable to fertilize the ochids every 7/10 days. It is very important, to keep the soil moist during the fertilization of plants. Finally, this fertilizer is the best way for a balanced nutrition of all orchids. Results will be visible in a short time.

Formulation: water soluble fertilizer

pH: ca. 2,5 -4,5

Packaging: 500 gr, 1KG,  2,5KG bucket

Conductivity: ca. 40,0 – 85,0 dS/m


Weight N/A

Total nitrogen (N) 18,0%
Nitrogen (N) nitric 5,5%
Ammonia Nitrogen (N) 5,5%
Urea Nitrogen (N) 7,0%
Phosphoric Anhydride (P2O5) soluble in water 18,0%
Phosphoric Anhydride (P2O5) soluble in neutral ammonium citrate and water 18,0%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water 18,0%

Doses and Methods

Apply orchis-idea 18.18.18. from mid-spring  to autumn. Dissolve 3-5 gr of product in 1 liter of water. Then apply in fertigation or take a bath at the roots of the plant. This soluble fertilizer is compatible with other product of Bioges Line. For best results, is preferable to fertilize the ochids every 7/10 days


The quantity of these elements necessary for plants is not constant during their life but varies according not only to light, temperature and humidity but also to the phase of the plant's development cycle. In case of mixing with other products it is always advisable to carry out preventive miscibility tests, especially with formulations containing calcium and compatibility on small surfaces. It is recommended not to apply it with products with a strong alkaline reaction. In mixture, check and eventually reduce the dosage.


500 gr, 1KG, 2,5KG

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