Orchid fertilizers kit



  • The orchid fertilizers kit is perfect for the care and nutrition of all orchid plants
  • It contains 3 orchid fertilizers  and a pack of propolis extract
  • The kit is ideal for potted orchids, and epiphytes plants
  • The orchid fertilizers kit includes the Doctor Bioges’s fertiliser plan ideal for beginners. The fertiliser plan is all season and is suitable for all types of orchids plants.
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Are you looking for an orchid fertilizers kit ? This kit is great for you!

This orchid fertilizers kit is perfect for the care and nutrition of all types of orchid plants. It is extremely easy to use. Inside the kit there is the best orchid fertilizers suitable in all seasons and a pack of propolis extract. It also contains a fertilizer plan suitable for all orchid plants. In this way you will learn how to take care of an orchid and you never make mistakes again. In fact, it includes the dosages and method of use. Finally, for best results, follow the steps given on the plan.

How to feed an orchid ? Discover orchid fertilizers

It’s very important fertilizing orchid regularly. In fact, the fertilizer provides the orchid plants with all essential nutrients for healthy growth and beautiful blooming. The orchid growing kit includes three water soluble fertilizers rapidly absorbed by the roots plants. These fertilizers meet all the nutritional needs of orchid plants in every phase of vegetative development. In fact, at  the vegetative restart, it is necessary to use Orchis-Idea 30.5.5. soluble fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. Particularly Orchis-Idea 30.5.5. favours the formation of leaves and new orchid buds. It  is preferable to use Orchis-Idea 18.18.18 from mid-spring to autumn. It is a balanced orchid fertilizer which provides a complete nutrition to all types of orchids. Finally, during the cold season and in pre-flowering Doctor Bioges recommends to use Orchis-Idea 10.44.10 with a high potassium content. It is also ideal to use this fertilizer for orchids to bloom.  In fact Orchis-Idea 10.44.10 stimulates the formation of new stems and promotes colorful blooms.

How to apply orchid fertilizer?

After you’ve selected the orchid fertilizer you want to use, dissolve 3-5 gr of product in 1 liter of water and apply in fertigation or take a bath at the roots of the plant. The fertiliser should never be added to soil which is too dry. It is very important, to keep the soil moist during the growth of plants.

How to take care of orchids ? Discover propolis extract

The kit also includes a pack of propolis extract ideal for the orchids care and maintenance. It is a biological product made with propolis purified in hydro-alcoholic solution. It contains  a mix of  essential substances for orchids plant care. In fact, it contains flavonoids, vitamins and other organic molecules. These substances increase the natural resistence of the orchids against such as pathogens and insects, pests ( for example aphids). Particulary,  it is advisable to apply the product in case of attacks by aphids, mites, and pathogens to enhance the natural defense mechanisms of plants. It  increases the blooming orchids and reduces the fall of petals. Propolis, protects plant cells which have been damaged  by UV radiation.

How to apply Propolis?

Doctor Bioges recommends to apply Propolis in pre-flowering, or in case of environmental stress and attacks by insects, pests, pathogens. It is also ideal after grafting and pruning plants, because it protects plants against  fungi, viruses and bacteria. Fill a spray bottle with 1 litre of water and diluite 10ml of Propolis. Then spraying the product with the spray bottle directly on the crown of the orchid plant. In case of mixing of organic fertilizer, it is necessary to halve the doses and apply only in fertigation. Avoid application of the product during the hottest hours of the day.

Formulation: Orchis-Idea NPK 30.5.5 – 18.18.18 – 10.44.10 soluble micro crystals – Propolis liquid formulation


Packaging: Orchis-Idea NPK 30.5.5 – 18.18.18 – 10.44.10 jar 100 gr – Propolis 100 ml


pH: Orchis-Idea NPK. 30.5.5 – 18.18.18 – 10.44.10 approx. 2,5 -4,5. – Propolis approx. 4,0


Conductivity: Orchis-Idea NPK 3

Doses and methods

Read and carefully follow the doses and methods indicated on the fertilization plan.


Read the back label carefully, or consult the specific pages for each product of the Beauty & Flowers Line



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