Root booster – Radikal Sprinter



  • Root booster liquid made with amino acidsvitamins and zinc
  • Stimulates the development of a healthy and efficient root system
  • Ideal in all cases of transplantation and repotting
  • It is suitable for plants propagation by cutting and layering
  • Prolongs the vitality of the root system
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Radikal Sprinter – Root booster for healthy and vigorous root system

Root booster in liquid formulation made with amino acids and vitamins (such as tryptophan). Radikal Sprinter promotes a rapid rooting in all cases of transplantation, and a quick recovery of the plants after repotting. It is also excellent for plants propagation by cutting and layering. In addiction, Radikal Sprinter contains a high content of organic substance, and other nutrients such as zinc (Zn). These are key substances for a perfect plant rooting. In fact, they are important growth factors which stimulate the formation of new roots of the plant. The root boster improves the characteristics of the soil, and increase the resistance by pathogenic attacks to the root system. Finally, Radikal Sprinter supplies Nitrogen to the plants,  which is essential to support the plant after repotting. The regular use of Radikal Sprinter ensures a harmonious development of a healthy and efficient root system. Results will be visible in a short time.

Repotting Plants – Follow Doctor Bioges’s advice

Doctor Bioges reccomends to repot the plants that are in small pots (such as bonsai tree and orchid), bought in nurseries and garden shops. In fact, the small pots are unsuitable for their growth. The repottings are to be done when the roots have filled up the pot, utilizing a bigger pot. The ideal seasons for repotting plants are spring or autumn, when the temperatures are not excessively high or low.

Root Booster – how to use Radikal Sprinter ?

Radikal Sprinter is suitable for repotting of succulentsorchids, bonsai tree and all the other plants. The root booster is very useful in agriculture and gardening. It is a high quality product because contains a considerable amount of amino acids and vitamins. It is suitable in case of transplantation and after repotting. For this gardening operation, add up to 5ml/litre of Radikal Sprinter in the water and mix well. Doctor Bioges reccomends to  apply in fertigation every 7 days for 15 days and repeat the treatment if only is necessary. It can be mixed with mycorrhizae, such as Neo-ryza and Mico-Green. The root supplement prolongs the vitality of the root system. In fact, it will be resistant to various forms of stress. Its effects, therefore, are visible from the first treatment.

How to use Radikal Sprinter for plants propagation – How to propagate plants ?

Radikal Sprinter is also ideal for plants propagation by cutting and layering. In particular for propagation by cutting: add up to 2 ml in 100 ml of water, and immerse the cuttings. Allow to soak for 24 hours. After planting of cutting, apply the solution previously created in fertigation. Repeat the treatment every 7 days for 30 days. On the other hand, for propagation by layering add up to 2 ml in 100 ml of water, and spray diluted solution directly on soil made with sphagnum, peat and sand. After 4 weeks, check the status of rooting. If the root system is well developed, the plant can be transplanted. After transplantation, apply Radikal Sprinter in fertigation respecting the following doses:  2-3ml/litre of the root booster in the water. Repeat the treatment every 7 days for 30 days.


Formulation: soluble liquid

pH: approx. 8,0

Packages: 1L bottle – 5L tank

Conductivity: approx. 20,0 ds/m

Botte: 1L, 5L


Weight N/A

Total nitrogen (N) 4,0%
Organic Nitrogen (N) 2,0%
Urea nitrogen (N) 2,0%
Potassium Oxide (K2O) soluble in water 6,0%
Organic carbon (C) 10,0%
Zinc (Zn) EDTA chelate 0,2%
Other components: Tryptophan of natural origin
Chelating agent: EDTA. Stability range of the chelated fraction: pH 3 to 9

Doses and Methods

Radikal Sprinter is suitable for repotting of succulents, orchids, bonsai tree and all the other plants. It is suitable in case of transplantation and after repotting. For this gardening operation, add up to 5ml/litre of Radikal Sprinter in the water and mix well. Apply in fertigation every 7 days for 15 days and repeat the treatment if only is necessary.
For propagation by cutting: add up to 2 ml in 100 ml of water, and immerse the cuttings. Allow to soak for 24 hours. After planting of cutting, apply the solution previously created in fertigation. Repeat the treatment every 7 days for 30 days.
For propagation by layering add up to 2 ml in 100 ml of water, and spray diluted solution directly on soil made with sphagnum, peat and sand. After 4 weeks, check the status of rooting. If the root system is well developed, the plant can be transplanted. After transplantation, apply Radikal Sprinter in fertigation respecting the following doses:  2-3ml/litre of the root booster in the water. Repeat the treatment every 7 days for 30 days.


In the case of a mixture, it is advisable to carry out preliminary tests on surfaces and on a limited number of plants, checking and reducing the dosages for sensitive crops and not expressly indicated. Do not exceed the indicated dosages. Do not apply on crops not indicated on the label. The product can give problems if distributed with cupric products.


1L, 5 L

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