Bio Complet Plus – liquid soil conditioner – humic and fulvic acids for plants


  • Bioactivator made with humic and fulvic extracts
  • Improves the chemical-physical properties of the substrate
  • provides better uptake of the soil nutrients and fertilizers
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Soil conditioner – ideal for agriculture, garden, bonsai and all plants – Bio Complet Plus

Bio Complet Plus is a liquid soil conditioner made with humic and fulvic acids from leonardite of Nord Dakota. The humic acids, help plants to quickly absorb the nutrients present in the soil. The fulvic acids, stimulates the microbiological activity of the soil, and  improves the availability of nutrients. In particular, these last organic substances, during the autumn and winter months promote photosynthetic activity. Humic and fulvic acids are also able to stabilize the pH of the soil, and increase water retention. Bio complet Plus, furthermore, contains RyZea, an exclusive technology made with seaweed molecules biologically active. This tecnology, stimulates plant metabolism and promotes the enzymatic processes. The soil conditioner does not smell. Finally, its regular use favors a harmonious development of a healthy and efficient root system. Periodic applications of Bio Complet PLUS guarantee visible results in a few days.

Humic acids in agriculture and gardening – How to use Bio Complet Plus?

Bio Complet Plus  is a high quality product because contains a considerable amount of humic acids. The use of humic acids is important in agriculture and gardening.They are essential to detoxify soil from heavy metals. These substances, therefore, improve the chemical-physical properties of the growing substrate. Its effects, therefore, are visible from the first treatment. Beautiful and strong plants in a few days. The product can be mixed with NPK organo-mineral fertilizers, as all Pro-Care NPK, micronutrients and fertilizer pellets. In case of mixing of two products, it is necessary to halve the doses. The soil conditioner should never be added to soil which is too dry. It is very important, to keep the soil moist during the growth of plants. Bio Complet Plus, prolongs the vitality of the plants. In fact, they will be resistant to various forms of stress.


CONTAINS RYZEA: exclusive technology made with seaweed molecules biologically active

Formulation: soluble liquid

pH: ca. 8,0

packaging: bottle 500 ml  – 1L – 5L

Conductivity: approx. 20,0 dS / m

Weight N/A

Total nitrogen (N) 5,00%
Organic Nitrogen (N) 5,00%
Organic Carbon (C) of biological origin 20,00%
Organic matter 40,00%

Doses and Methods

Its formulation is specifically designed to maximize the efficiency of nutrition and in particular of all the formulations of the PRO-CARE NPK line. Apply in fertigation respecting the following doses and methods:

– potted plants and bonsai: dilute 5-6 ml / liter and apply the product to soil during all growth cycle;

– vegetable plants: dilute 5-6 ml / liter and apply from the first stages of development and flowering;

– garden and fruit plants: dilute 5-6 ml / liter and apply throughout the growth cycle.

Repeat applications every 7/10 days, carry out at least three fertilization cycles per year. Each application cycle must include 4-5 applications at 7 – 10 days. When mixed with products from the PRO-CARE NPK range, it is advisable to halve the previously reported doses.


In case of mixture with other formulations it is recommended to carry out preliminary tests on surfaces and on a limited number of plants, verifying and reducing the dosages for sensitive crops and not expressly indicated. Avoid mixing with cupric products.


500 ml, 1L, 5L

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